Secrets of the Tomb: Skull And Bones, The Ivy League, And the Hidden Paths Of Power

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Secrets of the Tomb: Skull And Bones, The Ivy League, And the Hidden Paths Of Power

Author: Alexandra Robbins
Publisher: Little, Brown and Company
Copyright: 2003
Pages: 236
Cover Price: $ 13.99

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The cloak-and-dagger secrecy of Yale University's secret society known as Skull and Bones has prompted people worldwide to attribute to it some of the most staggering conspiracies in modern history. From the society's neaarly windowless crypt in the middle of the Yale campus, the Bonesmen, it is said, plot to dominate the world. In this widely acclaimed book, Alexandra Robbins slips through the veil of myth to reveal the truth about Skull and Bones' operations and influence, and explains why this Ivy League, old-boy 19th century throwback still thrives in 21st-century America.

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Background Information

The Ivy League is a name given to an athletic conference formed of eight of the oldest and most prestigious colleges in the United States.