Windsor Locks Canal

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Windsor Locks Canal

Author: Maria Giannuzzi
Publisher: Arcadia Publishing
Copyright: 2007
Pages: 128
Cover Price: $ 19.99

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In 1824, a group of prominent Hartford businessmen formed the Connecticut River Company to construct a canal that would bypass the treacherous rapids of Enfield Falls and extend navigation along the Connecticut River. Soon boats were a frequent sight in the village of Windsor Locks, named after the locks of the canal that ran alongside Main Street. Mills also sprang up in the area, utilizing the canal’s water to power their manufacturing operations. Today the canal has taken on a more historical, ecological, and recreational significance. Home to diverse plant and animal species, it is an excellent place to enjoy sweeping views of the Connecticut River and to see the factories that played a big part in the region’s history.

Background Information

First settled in 1637, Hartford is the largest inland city in Connecticut and the second largest city on the Connecticut River. The Connecticut River flows south through New England, dividing Vermont and New Hampshire before flowing into Long Island Sound. The success of the Erie Canal inspired many promoters to launch canal projects that were not as well thought out.