Wife No. 19

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Wife No. 19

Author: Ann Eliza Young
Publisher: Kessinger Publishing
Copyright: 1875
Pages: 628
Cover Price: $ 45.95

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The story of a life in bondage, being a complete expose of Mormonism, and revealing the sorrows, sacrifices and sufferings of women in polygamy, by Brigham Young's apostate wife. Born and reared in the midst of the Mormon people, it was inevitable that Mrs. Young would accept their practices and beliefs. After breaking away from the Mormon faith, she endeavored to expose everything, to show the sorrows of the women she left behind. This is her story, considered an important mission she had to carry out, as only could be written by one who spent her life immersed in Mormonism.

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Background Information

Founded by Joseph Smith and later led by Brigham Young, the Church of Latter Day Saints is better known as the Mormons. Brigham Young succeeded to the leadership of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints (Mormons) after the death of founder Joseph Smith.