Narrative of Sojourner Truth

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Narrative of Sojourner Truth

Author: Sojourner Truth
Publisher: Aberdeen Gardens Heritage Committee
Copyright: 1993
Pages: 80
Cover Price: $ 2.50

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This inspiring memoir, first published in 1850, recounts the struggles of a distinguished African-American abolitionist and champion of women's rights. Sojourner Truth tells of her life in slavery, her self-liberation, and her travels across America in pursuit of racial and sexual equality. Essential reading for students of American history.

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Background Information

Abolitionism was the movement, centered in the North, that abolition of slavery even in those states that had practiced it since the founding of the country. The long struggle for equal rights for women took shape in the 19th century and was resisted by conservative thinking about gender roles. American slaves were almost entirely African and formed the basis of the cotton economy of the South until the Civil War.