Lincoln for President: An Unlikely Candidate, an Audacious Strategy, and the Victory No One Saw Coming

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Lincoln for President: An Unlikely Candidate, an Audacious Strategy, and the Victory No One Saw Coming

Author: Bruce Chadwick
Publisher: Sourcebooks
Copyright: 2009
Pages: 396

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Abraham Lincoln won the election of 1860 in only the second attempt by the new Republican party to field a presidential candidate. Chadwick tells the incredible story of how Lincoln overcame overwhelming odds to not only capture his party's nomination but win the presidency.

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Background Information

The Republican Party was formed in 1854 by Americans who were appalled at the Kansas-Nebraskaz Act. The election was contested by four candidates who received electoral votes and the winner, Abraham Lincoln, had the lowest popular percentage in history. Abraham Lincoln was the first Republican President and led the Union during the Civil War.