At Canaan's Edge: America in the King Years 1965-68

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At Canaan's Edge: America in the King Years 1965-68

Author: Taylor Branch
Publisher: Simon & Schuster
Copyright: 2006
Pages: 1056
Cover Price: $ 20.00

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The final volume of Branch's magisterial history of the Civil Rights movement is a powerful rendering of Martin Luther King Jr.'s final years before his assassination in Memphis. The Pulitzer Prize-winning author suggests that King has earned a place next to Abraham Lincoln in American history.

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Background Information

The civil rights movement, which aimed to deliver the rights assured black Americans in the post-Civil-War amendments, reached its peak of activity in the 1960's. Martin Luther King Jr came to national prominence through the Montgomery Bus Boycott and remained the most influential Civil Rights leader until his assassination. Besides the successful assassinations of Lincoln, Garfield, McKinley and Kennedy, there have been many attempts.