Summer for the Gods: The Scopes Trial and America's Continuing Debate Over Science and Religion

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Summer for the Gods: The Scopes Trial and America's Continuing Debate Over Science and Religion

Author: Edward J. Larson
Publisher: Harvard University Press
Copyright: 1997
Pages: 318
Cover Price: $ 23.50

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The Scopes "Monkey Trial" marked a watershed in our national discussion of science and religion. In addition to symbolizing the clash between evolutionist and creationist camps, the trial helped shape the development of both popular religion and constitutional law in the United States, serving as a precedent for more recent legal and political battles. Pairing new archival material from both the Bryan prosecution and the Darrow defense with Larson's keen historical and legal analysis, "Summer for the Gods" offers a fresh interpretation of a pivotal event in American history.

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Background Information

William Jennings Bryan was considered one of the most brilliant orators of his era, running three times for president as nominee of the Democratic Party. Clarence Darrow was an attorney for the defense in several high profile cases including the Scopes Monkey Trial and also was an early leader in the American Civil Liberties Union.